About Us

Netball Ireland is the national governing body for netball in Ireland and is responsible for all aspects of netball in Ireland including organising competition and training events, operating international Open and Youth netball squads and promoting and developing the sport in general across Ireland. Netball Ireland has been affiliated to the International Netball Federation (INF) and Netball Europe since 1976.

Netball Ireland organises competitive netball competition for clubs and schools across Ireland, as well as social mixed netball competition in the summer months. Netball Ireland leagues currently operate in Dublin although there have previously been leagues operating in Cork and Limerick. Netball Ireland operates the Republic of Ireland international netball squads at Open and Youth age groups. The Republic of Ireland’s highest ranking at international competition was in 1991 where they finished 10th at the IFNA World Netball Championships. In addition Netball Ireland organises formal training of umpires and coaches to gain European accreditation.

PresidentLynette Wallpresident@netballireland.com
Vice PresidentVACANTvicepresident@netballireland.com
TreasurerLiz Allanfinance@netballireland.com
SecretaryAvril Fitzgeraldinfo@netballireland.com
Press OfficerMairead Kellypress@netballireland.com
League AdministratorJennifer O'Brienleagueadministrator@netballireland.com
Schools & Youth Development AdministratorAnne-Marie Jenkinsonyouthdevelopment@netballireland.com
Coaching ConvenerVACANTcoaching@netballireland.com
Umpiring ConvenerKaren Fordeumpiring@netballireland.com
International Squad ManagerEmma Wallinternationalsquads@netballireland.com
Child Protection OfficerMary Kellychildprotection@netballireland.com
Touring ManagerVACANTtouring@netballireland.com

Strategic Plan